3 Consistency Quick Fixes with the SLX

Use the Square Launcher Xccelerator to enhance your overall consistency. Each Quick Fix focuses on different aspects:

Squaring Your Clubs: From driver to putter, the SLX helps you align your clubs more accurately.

Improving Your Swing: For all shots - putting, chipping, pitching, and full swing, the SLX aids in developing a consistent swing.

Streamlining Your Swing Thought: Focus on one essential thought - wind up and throw your hands underhand, holding the SLX, to the ball at impact.

Remember, the SLX is designed to facilitate a natural, tension-free golf swing, promoting better alignment and control. Follow these guidelines to maximize your benefits and become a self-coach with the Square Launcher Xccelerator.


Boost Your Swing's Squaring Capability

The Square Launcher Split Hand Throw Technique enables you to refine an underhand throwing motion you're already familiar with from other sports. With the Xccelerator on your club, you can consistently perform good shots consecutively.

Short Segments of Quick Fix For Your Swing


Avoid making any movements in the backswing or downswing with your lead hand, arm, and side of your body other than staying coupled to the trailing hand and supporting its underhand throw.


Unlike other sports where your primary target is far off, in golf, your primary target - the ball - is just a few feet away. This simplifies where your hands need to release the club head.

Another benefit of the Split Hand Throw Technique is the formation of a more vertical swing on the backswing and downswing. This immediate shift results in reduced strain on your back muscles, often experienced with a rotary or horizontal swing. This vertical swing also ensures that your trailing hand stays square to the swing path throughout the swing, simplifying the return of the club face square to the ball at impact.

NOTE: To experience the full benefits of the Square Launcher Xccelerator rapidly, utilize the Split Hand Throw Technique to hit shots either with foam or actual golf balls. You will immediately be able to determine if you are squaring the club head to the ball at impact to produce center face hits which result in accurate straight shots.

Start with the core elements of your golf game that contribute to 70% of your score: Putting, Chipping, and Pitching. These swings, shorter in length and requiring more precision, let you observe in slow motion the development of a more vertical swing that stays square to the swing path.

This type of practice promotes proper hinging of your hands and wrists and illustrates the release of the trailing hand in an underhand throwing motion at the point of impact with the ball in play. Moreover, it builds the muscle and mental memory essential for a consistent golf swing.


Consistent Squaring Routine for All Shots

Implementing the Square Launcher Split Hand Throw Technique in your practice swings facilitates the reliable squaring of the club face to the ball at impact for all shots, from driver to putter. You now possess a single swing routine for a lifetime!

By applying the Square Launcher Split Hand Throw Technique, you can establish a straightforward pre-shot routine that seamlessly becomes your actual swing for all shots. Consequently, you can master the One Swing that encompasses everything you need to eradicate all consistency robbers.

Just execute a wind-up and underhand throw with your hands while holding the Square Launcher Xccelerator. This ensures you consistently square the club head to the ball at impact, enhancing both accuracy and distance.


Many golfers fail to utilize their practice swings as their actual swings. More often than not, they scarcely use a practice swing as a rehearsal for their actual swing or to instruct their conscious mind on what is required to hit the actual shot.

This highlights the significance of using the Split Hand Throw Technique as your practice swing that then instantaneously becomes your actual swing. Contained within this single technique is all the muscle memory and mental imagery you need to dispel all the "Consistency Robbers."

As a result, you only need to perform a throw of the SLX, held in your trailing hand, at the ball in play to generate a swing that squares the club face to the ball consistently for increased accuracy and distance.


A golfer typically makes 65-80 practice swings during an 18-hole golf round. Regrettably, most practice swings do not translate into the actual swing.

If you employ the SLX Split Hand Throw Technique as your practice swing, you will eliminate all consistency robbers from the swing. This also creates a swing tempo that allows you to feel the harmonious movement of all body parts with the hands and arms. This rehearsal swing should now transition into your actual swing; simply keep your hands together as you would in a standard golf swing.

Your conscious mind now only needs to process a single swing thought - execute a wind-up and underhand throw of your hands to the ball in play.


Enhance Your Clubs' Squaring Ability

Do you already have a stress-free, dependable swing that consistently squares the club head with the ball at impact? Simply attach the Xccelerator to your grip and let your swing do the magic!

The integration of the Xccelerator to your club grip counterbalances all your clubs, boosting their squaring ability for enhanced accuracy and distance. The act of counterbalancing your club delivers two-fold benefits:

  1. It provides stability to your club head, ensuring the club face remains square to the ball upon impact. This results in center-faced hits, augmenting your accuracy and increasing ball speed for greater distance.

  2. It lightens the club head swing weight, which amplifies your swing speed, thereby yielding greater distance.

Furthermore, the distinctive design of the oversized golf ball-shaped Square Launcher Xccelerator, when held in your trailing hand, promotes a tension-free grip of the club. This facilitates improved hand and wrist hinging, along with heightened 'feel' for the club and the positioning of the club face square to the swing path throughout the swing.


It's vital to maintain the SLX attached to your club grip when executing a shot. Failing to do so will forfeit all the counterbalancing advantages, including increased distance and accuracy, outlined above. Keep your SLX in place to maximize your golfing potential.


Employing the SLX essentially transforms all your clubs into swing aids. This grants you the added advantage of club head stability, an attribute often engineered into clubs by manufacturers to enlarge sweet spots for easier center-faced hits and improve the Moment of Inertia (MOI) for increased accuracy.

Remember, stabilizing the club head to enhance center-faced hits translates to a gain of 2.8 yards for every 1 MPH increase in Ball Speed. Additionally, reducing the club head swing weight equates to a gain of 3 yards for every 1 MPH increase in swing speed. With the Square Launcher Xccelerator, you can achieve an extra 10-12 yards on any full swing golf shot due to center-faced hits.

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