Square Launcher Golf Digital Playbook

Congratulations and thank you! By purchasing the Square Launcher Xccelerator, you've taken the crucial first step towards becoming a Square Launcher Self Coach.

The True Meaning of Consistency in Golf

If there's one thing golfers agree on, it's that “lack of consistency“ often proves to be the greatest thorn in their side when it comes to their game. The frustrating inability to consecutively hit two solid shots, perform two satisfying holes, or string together two rewarding nine-hole rounds back to back, is all too common. Every golfer recognizes the fantastic feeling and sound of hitting a flawless shot, yet such moments are usually few and far between.

Here at Square Launcher Golf, we took it upon ourselves to tackle this challenge head-on, to truly comprehend why this issue is so widespread. Our goal was to find simple, accessible solutions that could be easily grasped and retained by golfers at all levels, perhaps even relearned, resulting in a lifetime of enjoyment and satisfaction in the game.

Our enlightening findings are outlined briefly below, forming the foundation for this Consistency Playbook. This resource includes a series of videos accompanied by explanatory text, showcasing the essential information, drills, and exercises that will immediately elevate your consistency on the course, from the tee to the green. Moreover, it provides a straightforward and enjoyable path for you to become your own Coach, a skill that will be invaluable when you need it most - during practice sessions and actual course play.


Aligning the Club Face with the Ball at Impact and the Crucial Role of Hands

align club face

Have you ever watched professional golf, be it the men's or women's tournaments, or even just skilled amateur players? If so, you've undoubtedly noticed the remarkable ease and consistency with which they play, hole after hole, day after day, week after week. This consistency, the ability to repeatedly execute the same action flawlessly, is a direct consequence of their knack for squaring the club face with the ball at impact time after time, resulting in strikes that hit the sweet spot. This singular swing action guarantees the enhanced accuracy and distance that every golfer craves.

So, what's the secret of these professional and low handicap golfers? What are they doing so consistently that the average golfer isn't? The answer lies in the hands. Regardless of the uniqueness of their swing styles, these players always manage to square their hands, and consequently the club head, with the ball at the point of impact.


Leveraging a Familiar Underhand Throw for More Reliable Practice and Play

Golf isn't the only sport where consistency is key to achieving high-performance levels and where the trailing hand plays a starring role. Whether it's bowling, slow pitch baseball, or even a game of corn hole, squaring your trailing or throwing hand to the target is paramount.

In all these sports, your trailing hand simply needs to align with the target at the moment of release. This action is automatic, requiring no conscious thought about the movements of the hands, arms, or body. The posture is natural and balanced, and the swing is smooth and pendulum-like, with every part of the body moving in harmony.

What stood out to us in these other throwing sports were the natural, instinctive movements that yielded consistent performances. The most prevalent similarity was the use of their hands in an underhand throw to align the object they were throwing with the target. The secret to a professional golfer's consistency lies in their ability to align their hands, and thus the club face, with the ball at impact. This alignment results in sweet-spot hits that are the only swing action ensuring enhanced accuracy and distance.

Crucially, we discovered that the underhand throw is a physical movement most people are already familiar with from other throwing sports, making its transference to a consistent golf swing that much easier. If you can perform a simple underhand throw, you possess all the fundamental squaring mechanics and body movements needed for a reliable golf swing.


Identifying the "Consistency Robbers" That Hamper Your Ability to Square the Clubhead at Impact and Affect Your Accuracy and Distance

What's stopping the everyday golfer from finding consistency in their swing? It became apparent that many of the instinctive timing and rhythmic movements that contribute to the consistent performance of professional golfers and participants in other throwing sports were conspicuously absent in the average golfer's swings.

After careful observation, rigorous testing, and active listening to their complaints, we pinpointed four major roadblocks that stopped them from squaring the club face to the ball at impact consistently. These included:

Tension - Stiffness in their hands, arms, and body restricts muscle flexibility, particularly in fully hinging their hands and wrists to release energy from their swing to the ball at impact.

Feel - Struggling to sense where the club head is during the swing and whether the club face remains square to the swing path to ensure sweet-spot hits at impact.

Rhythm - Disjointed swing sequences where the body isn't moving in sync with the hands and arms and vice versa, making it harder to bring the club head square to the ball at impact reliably.

Tempo - Often too fast and inconsistent, disrupting the rhythm of the hands, arms, and body and hindering golfers from squaring the club head to the ball at impact.

We dubbed these as the sneaky "Consistency Robbers" because they sabotage golfers' abilities to correctly use their hands to produce more consistent swings. Just observe golfers at a driving range, and you'll see these "Consistency Robbers" running rampant everywhere.

An intriguing finding from our research was the ease with which individuals could become reasonably proficient at other throwing sports like bowling, bocce ball, underhand slow pitch softball, and even corn hole, often without needing lessons or extensive practice.

So why is golf so different? Could it be due to the countless approaches to playing golf? Could it be the overwhelming number of training aids that only address specific swing faults? Or could it be the wide array of different clubs that we need to master?

The Answer To Golfers’ #1 Concern - Inconsistency

At Square Launcher Golf, we prioritized making our solution easy to grasp and remember, empowering you to become your own coach as you practice and play. Our years of exploration led us to design and test prototypes capable of addressing most consistency issues through three simple "Consistency Builders":

One Swing Aid

A versatile tool that fits on any club in your bag, immediately improving the consistency of accuracy and distance for each club.

One Swing

A universal swing for all clubs and shots, informed by skills learned in other sports, designed to tackle the four major "Consistency Robbers".

One Swing Routine

A mental cue reminding golfers they need only 1 swing thought - "windup and an underhand throw of the trailing hand in line with the leading hand square to the ball at impact."

The U.S. Patented Square Launcher Xccelerator


The Square Launcher Xccelerator is a multi-functional swing aid that simplifies the approach to golfing consistency while building your confidence to become your own coach.

Becoming a Square Launcher Self Coach is now instant, thanks to the Consistency Quick Fix Playbook. There's no need for costly lessons, complex and confusing online instruction, a multitude of rarely-used training aids, or frequent trips to the practice range. You can learn both at home and on the course as you play, utilizing the Square Launcher Xccelerator and your own clubs!

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